Author: Procyon Partners

Equity markets continued their advance throughout the 1st quarter of 2024 as the rally that started in October of last year extended. The S&P 500 was up 10.56% in the 1st quarter, and up 28.5% since October, 27th of 2023. If you recall, this market rally was kicked off by the US Federal Reserve indicating that they were at the end of their rate hiking cycle and signaling up to three rate cuts by the end of 2024. While equity markets rallied across the board on this move, the start to this year has not been created equal for all markets. US small cap stocks were up 5.18% in Q1, international developed stocks were up 5.93% and Emerging Markets were up just 2.44%.

Fixed income markets saw volatility throughout the quarter. While they experienced a similar rally to equity markets in Q4 of last year as the Fed pivoted their policy stance, the start of this year has been negative for fixed income markets. The Bloomberg Aggregate Bond index was down -0.78% in the quarter, global bonds were down -2.08%, and municipal bonds were down -0.39%. The only positive performance within fixed income was from high yield bonds, whose higher correlation with equity markets led to some price appreciation during the quarter.

Markets have generally been driven by interest rate expectations over the last five months. The Fed’s signal towards cutting interest rates in 2024 was generally well received by the market. However, markets continued to price in cuts to a level above and beyond what the Fed had signaled. Early in the 1st quarter, the federal funds futures market had priced in up to six rate cuts this year.

We believed the public markets got too far ahead of the Fed at that point. We continued to keep our portfolios in a position that would be less sensitive to changes in interest rates as we believed the market needed to come closer to the Fed’s indication. If the markets were correct, and we received six rate cuts this year, we would expect a significant economic event to take place that would force the Fed to aggressively support the economy in short order. However, the underlying employment picture remains strong, and inflation remains at elevated levels (relative to the Fed’s inflation target). This equation simply would not add up to six, and possibly not even three, rate cuts in 2024.

Our focus continues to be on the inflation numbers. Remember when inflation was described as “transitory” back in 2021? We are a long way from that and transitory has extended into a multiyear battle with the Fed pulling out all the stops to try to bring inflation back down to its 2% long term target. While progress has been made, inflation continues to sit between 3-4%, with the most recent CPI reading coming in at 3.5%. The numbers have been closely scrutinized, with many indicating the sticky shelter component of the inflation report as the culprit for higher readings for longer. The fact of the matter is, the economy is strong, and inflation will continue to be higher if demand continues to be present. We saw strong retail sales numbers in March, home prices continue to be sticky, and energy prices are once again on the rise. We don’t expect the inflation readings to be at the Fed’s 2% target any time soon under these conditions. Below is the expected path for core inflation over the next year given various monthly changes in the price index (which has been growing at about 0.3% per month on average over the last 6 months):

Where does this leave us for the remainder of 2024? A strong economic backdrop, robust corporate earnings, and a pivoting fed should mean all systems go. That being said, we have learned over the last several years that the market does an incredible job at pricing in events extremely quickly, and with the strong, rate-driven market rally over the last 5 months, it seems like most of the good news has been largely priced in. The start of the second quarter has not been as friendly to equity markets as participants start to readdress expectations in light of evolving fundamentals.

  • As we enter the second quarter, equity market valuations are elevated relative to historical averages across the board with the highest valuations coming from the large cap growth space. Since the start of the new quarter (through 4/19), US Large Cap stocks are down -5.4% (with growth stocks down -6.15%). US small caps are down -8.29%, international markets are down -4.1%.
  • Fixed income markets were pricing in as many as six rate cuts this year early in 2024. As of 4/19, markets are now pricing in just one cut this year. This is a significant change, and while the probabilities for the end of this year are wide, the highest probability is just one cut (even lower than what the Fed has indicated for 2024).

We expected this year to be volatile across the public markets. The lack of volatility over the past 5 months is not normal. It has been a steady climb since October 27th of last year. Market pullbacks are healthy for long term market efficiency as it gives investors and companies a chance to catch their breath – you can’t sprint your way through a marathon. We have been cautious in our investment approach this year as the market performance drivers have been narrow since last October.

More specifically as it relates to the public equity markets, we have steered away from the obvious higher- valuation names within the market and remain underweight to some of the tech names that have led this market higher.

We have focused more on some markets that we view as undervalued – small cap stocks continue to present a nice entry point for long term investors, international stocks present nice value opportunities, and even within US large caps there are some underappreciated companies that we focus in on.

On the fixed-income side, we have been keeping a close eye on the average maturity, credit quality and duration of our portfolio relative to our benchmark. As market participants aggressively priced in the growing potential for rate cuts, we shortened our duration (limiting our sensitivity to interest rate increases) as we expected rates to find an equilibrium at a level more in line with what the Fed had indicated. We have also since added duration as rate cut expectations have decreased and fallen closer to the Fed target.

What’s next for 2024? We continue to expect market volatility throughout the second, and perhaps third quarters of this year. The ever-escalating events that have transpired between Iran and Israel over the last couple of weeks and months have increased this belief. The looming US Presidential election will also undoubtably drive some market volatility as we get closer as well. Historically a divided government between the White House and Congress has the most statistically significant impact on markets in the 3 months following the elections as shown here:

However, all our collective experience and rigorous study has strengthened a core belief that investing based solely on potential political outcomes or the fear of geopolitical events is not a reliable investment strategy over the long run. We continue to focus on fundamental measures of sustainability and value, including free-cash-flow, revenue and earnings growth, balance sheet quality, and executive leadership. Fundamentally we remain confident in the underlying macro-economic picture. As the volatility unfolds, we will add to equity allocations opportunistically, and prudently across market sectors we see as driving performance in the coming year.


The information contained in this presentation has been gathered from sources we believe to be reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information, and we assume no liability for damages resulting from or arising out of the use of such information. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The views expressed in the referenced materials are subject to change based on market and other conditions. This document may contain certain statements that may be deemed forward‐looking statements. Please note that any such statements are not guarantees of any future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected. Any projections, market outlooks, or estimates are based upon certain assumptions and should not be construed as indicative of actual events that will occur. The information provided herein does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation to buy or sell securities.

Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, investment model, or products, including the investments, investment strategies or investment themes referenced herein, will be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), be suitable for a particular portfolio or individual situation, or prove successful. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions and/or applicable laws, the content may no longer be reflective of current opinions or positions.

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Procyon Advisors, LLC is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). This report is provided for informational purposes only and for the intended recipient[s] only. This report is derived from numerous sources, which are believed to be reliable, but not audited by Procyon for accuracy. This report may also include opinions and forward-looking statements which may not come to pass. Information is at a point in time and subject to change.

Coming into 2023, market sentiment was broadly negative following the worst year for a diversified portfolio in 40 years. In 2022, we saw equity markets fall -18% and fixed income markets drop a staggering -13% as the Federal Reserve acted aggressively to combat rising inflation. There weren’t many places to hide, and despite a market rally in the 4th quarter of 2022, market participants entered 2023 with concerns that this year would be more of the same. Many strategists were speculating that the Fed’s historically aggressive interest rate hiking policy would end in a “hard landing” and eventual recession.

Boy were they wrong…equity markets broadly rallied in 2023, with US markets up +25.96% (Russell 3000) and international equities up 16.21% (MSCI ACWI Ex USA). Fixed income markets were choppy to start the year but ended the year up 5.53% (Bloomberg Aggregate) as a result of a significant rally in the 4th quarter. The conviction in a “hard landing” fell precipitously throughout the year as inflation fell, the consumer stayed strong, and the labor market continued to show gains. Dreams of a “soft landing” (small recession) and “immaculate landing” (continued economic growth) began to take hold. The Fed added some fuel to this growing positive sentiment by indicating that they were reaching the end of their rate hiking cycle, and actually signaling a few rate cuts in 2024. This led to a significant market rally during the 4th quarter where we saw equity markets broadly up +11.15% (MSCI ACWI) and fixed income markets up 6.82%.

It is worth noting how narrow equity market performance was in 2023 however, with just seven names making up nearly all of the positive performance in the S&P 500. These names happen to be the seven largest in the market and have been referred to as the “Magnificent 7” throughout the year; Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Nvidia, Meta, and Tesla. This type of narrow market leadership is not common historically, and we do not expect this to continue throughout 2024. We continue to believe that diversified portfolios with allocations to small caps and international markets (in addition to large cap equities) will be best suited for long-term growth and income.

The Federal Reserve continues to be a focal point of this market with their policy actions and commentary under a watchful eye as inflation continues to trend towards their 2% target. While the Fed continued to raise interest rates throughout 2023, long term rates were left little changed as market participants expect interest rate cuts to commence in early 2024. The Fed confirmed that cuts were on the horizon in their December meeting, with their dot plot (the survey of Fed officials on where interest rates will be at the end of the following year) showing the highest probability of three 0.25% rate cuts in 2024. While the direction was confirmed by nearly all FOMC participants, the range of how many cuts was large.

The Federal Funds Futures market, on the other hand, is currently signaling six 0.25% rate cuts in 2024. We continue to believe that the market is well ahead of the Fed and are more confident in what the Fed has projected over what the market is telling us. The dislocation between the two represents a risk that we could see throughout 2024 as the market brings longer term rates higher to meet where the Fed is at. While there are a lot of factors that go into this, the Procyon investment committee has this relationship at the top of its watchlist in 2024.

With the strong end to 2023, it is difficult to remember any volatile periods during the year. The volatility index tends to confirm this as well, falling throughout the year and ending the year at levels last seen prior to the market sell off in 2020. There was a fair amount of volatility throughout the year however, as markets tried their best to price in a number of events including: failures of Silicon Valley Bank & Signature Bank, continued war in Ukraine, conflict between Israel and Hamas, above target inflation, the inverted yield curve, and the rise of artificial intelligence.

As we enter 2024, there are a number of key topics that have our attention in what we expect to be a volatile year.
Here are a few that remain at the top of our list:

  • 2024 Presidential Election – There is no surprise that this would be first on our list of what to watch in 2024. In what is currently shaping up as another Biden vs. Trump election, there will be uncertainty that leads to volatility in financial markets throughout the year. While markets tend to be forward looking and will quickly look past the election, results can have major implications on the future of companies. With debt levels soaring and the 2017 tax cuts set to expire in 2026, the next president will have large decisions to make. Leading up to the election, we expect rhetoric on hot topic issues such as health care, big tech, and the broader economy to gain market attention. As the election gets closer, we will start to get a clearer picture of what the next 2-4 years will look like. The market has historically been choppy during an election year, with positive performance later in the year once the uncertainty of the election cycle passes. Additionally, the market has historically performed best under a split government in the subsequent years.



  • The Fed – While we expect the Federal Reserve to largely step out of the way in the election year, their actions and commentary will undoubtedly continue to have an impact on markets. With inflation still running above their 2% target and a strong labor market, the Fed continues to have room to act. We will continue to monitor this along with any impact on the economic picture stemming from the lagged effects of their historically fast rate hiking cycle. All in all, we believe that the Fed is closer to the end of their tightening cycle than the beginning. The market is currently pricing in several rate cuts before the end of next year. At this point, we think those expectations are a little lofty and we wouldn’t be surprised to see the Fed keep rates steady throughout much of next year.
  • Geopolitical Tensions – With the Russia/Ukraine war continuing on and the rising conflict in the middle east, we believe that these tensions will likely persist throughout much of next year. There continues to be concern that these wars can spread, with other players taking action. While obviously difficult to predict, we continue to watch developments closely with a specific focus on interactions between the US and China relative to Taiwan. Reshoring of operations should help limit the impact of any conflict to global companies, but the risks still remain. We are closely watching manufacturing trends and energy prices as these conflicts continue.

As we evaluate the number of scenarios that could happen in 2024, we anticipate one of the following three to unfold:

  • Optimistic – Soft landing, Inflation comes down to 2%, GDP grows, jobs remain stable.
  • Pessimistic – Fed has increased rates too far already, GDP falls, unemployment increases, but inflation comes down.
  • Realistic – Soft landing but, inflation stuck at 2.5% and we can live with it, unemployment goes up but not much, new rates stay higher than rates since 2007, GDP grows modestly.

We believe the positioning as it relates to these potential outcomes is first and foremost a function of the investor’s time horizon as markets can be unrelenting. However, our committee is taking the positioning that most equities, excluding the mega cap tech stocks, in the public markets are fairly valued or undervalued and we remain neutral in the face of potential headwinds. Our fixed income allocation is short, high quality, and underweight due to an overweight to cash with good yields while our alternatives allocation is overweight where appropriate given the
opportunity set.

The information contained in this presentation has been gathered from sources we believe to be reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information, and we assume no liability for damages resulting from or arising out of the use of such information. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The views expressed in the referenced materials are subject to change based on market and other conditions. This document may contain certain statements that may be deemed forward‐looking statements. Please note that any such statements are not guarantees of any future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected. Any projections, market outlooks, or estimates are based upon certain assumptions and should not be construed as indicative of actual events that will occur. The information provided herein does not constitute
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Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, investment model, or products, including the investments, investment strategies or investment themes referenced herein, will be profitable, equal any corresponding indicated historical performance level(s), be suitable for a particular portfolio or individual situation, or prove successful. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions and/or applicable laws, the content may no
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Procyon Advisors, LLC is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). This report is provided for informational purposes only and for the intended recipient[s] only. This report is derived from numerous sources, which are believed to be reliable, but not audited by Procyon for accuracy. This report may also include opinions and forward-looking statements which may not come to pass. Information is at a point in time and subject to change.

Stocks saw major dispersion in the first quarter of 2023, with the Nasdaq rallying 17.1% for its best quarter since 2020. Meanwhile, Large Value lagged (+1.0%), primarily due to underperformance in Financials, which were down (-5.6%). Small Caps (+2.7%) also lagged, as Financials make up a larger percentage of the Russell 2000 Index versus the S&P 500. Overall, the S&P 500 finished the quarter up 7.5%. As shown below, five of the seven best performing stocks in the S&P 500 were in the Tech sector, while six of the seven worst performing stocks were in the Financial sector. Historically a strong first quarter bodes well for the remainder of the year. Since 1950, when the S&P 500 gained over 7% in the first quarter, the full year has never been negative.

The issues that plagued Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) are also a challenge throughout the financial industry to varying degrees. Banks like SVB saw enormous success and a surge in deposits in the years leading up to 2022, in part due to an era of zero interest rates and quantitative easing. As a result, banks invested this excess cash in Treasuries and other similar securities, but some banks reached for yield and invested in longer duration securities. A sudden pivot by the Fed away from low rates (due to surging inflation) led to large unrealized losses in these securities as yields surged and bond values decreased. Banks are normally able to use an accounting method called “Held to Maturity” (HTM) to avoid losses, as long as these bonds are held until maturity. The surge in Treasury yields since 2022 left many bank’s HTM securities massively underwater, and a run on smaller banks forced them to unload their HTM securities at a loss in order to replenish deposit ratios.

  • It’s important to note the government guaranteed all deposits for SVB and Signature Bank because they were in receivership and deemed a “systematic risk exception.”
  • Over the past few weeks, Banks have seen their deposits decline by a record $300 Billion. After SVB went under, some deposits that left Small Banks went into Large Banks. Other deposits moved to higher yielding Money Market Funds, with a record $5.2 Trillion in these funds (see Chart #1).
  • To improve liquidity and stability, Banks utilized the Fed’s Discount Window and the Fed’s newly established Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP). Both allow Banks to borrow short-term loans from the Fed by providing collateral (i.e. Government Bonds) at Face Value, regardless of market price. This resulted in the biggest surge in borrowing using the Discount Window since 2008 (see Chart #2).
  • Usage of the Fed’s Facilities resulted in a jump in the Fed’s Balance Sheet by $300 billion, despite QT.
  • The Dodd-Frank Act tried to reduce concentration among Banks, but we expect further consolidation now.
  • According to Apollo, tighter financial conditions and lending standards equates to an additional 150 basis points in the Fed Funds Rate. Already, Bank Lending has plummeted (see chart #3).
  • Alternative Assets are seeing continued demand from asset flows as investors look to diversify their return streams. Venture Capital and Private Equity are likely to see underperformance in the short term as multiple compression can have a lagged effect from the public to private markets, and this will likely provide liquidity in the form of supply to the secondary market. Private credit, lending, and non-residential real estate remain stable as this asset class operates parallel to bank and public market lending. We have seen a broad dispersion of hedge fund performance in 2022 with some funds logging their best numbers in many years with leveraged short positions on the bond market, while others, with large investments in Big Tech and Crypto, fell 90%+. For 2023, it is unclear whether we can have a repeat performance of hedge fund managers, or if that dispersion will narrow. 

It’s not unusual for a Tightening Cycle to result in a Financial Crisis. In response, the Fed has historically either Eased or Paused. In some instances, a Recession was avoided (i.e. 1984 Failure of Continental Illinois), while other times a Recession quickly followed (i.e. Global Financial Crisis).

In the past, a financial shock/crisis has never ended until the Fed paused or cut rates. The Fed’s response to the recent Banking Crisis is highly unusual, as the Fed hiked rates 25 basis points in March and continued Quantitative Tightening. Prior to the Banking Crisis, markets were pricing in a 50 basis point hike, but financial stability took precedence over price stability. The Fed continues to be in the difficult position of trying to battle high inflation while also managing a crisis in the Regional Banking system. Procyon believes the Fed is nearing the end of its tightening cycle, especially with a deep inversion of the yield curve continuing.

In March, the Fed raised rates to a range of 4.75-5.00% and released its updated “Dot Plot,” which showed a majority of FOMC participants forecasting just one additional rate hike in 2023. The market continues to price in a much different outlook for rates, with expectations of multiple rate cuts in the second half of 2023. In looking at the past 30 years (going back to 1994), there have been five prior rate hiking cycles – including the current cycle.


In the prior four cycles, equities rallied after the last rate hike except in 2000 during the bursting of the Tech Bubble. The end of the current rate hiking cycle could be bullish for equities.

The resulting implication on the CMBS market has been a large increase in the perceived risk of those commercial loans and the widening of option-adjusted spreads. Essentially repricing the cost of borrowing for commercial borrowers, relative to other borrowers. Our committee is monitoring the broader credit markets as we see potential for pockets of risk to be identified through the current rate hiking cycle. More recently the Procyon Investment Committee dug deeper into the Commercial Mortgage-backed Securities market to gain some insight on what appears to be a potential headwind to economic growth in the US in the coming quarters. It is important to note that while the overall CMBS market has shown a steady delinquency rate over the last twelve months, we are seeing delinquencies rise in office space specifically. As borrowing rates have risen and post-pandemic work habits have taken some time to unwind, the demand for office space has not bounced back as fast as landlords would have liked.

The resulting implication on the CMBS market has been a large increase in the perceived risk of those commercial loans and the widening of option-adjusted spreads. Essentially repricing the cost of borrowing for commercial borrowers, relative to other borrowers.

Our committee is monitoring the broader credit markets as we see potential for pockets of risk to be identified through the current rate hiking cycle.



As we have mentioned in previous commentary, there are some key tenets we are basing our current Macro Economic scenarios on and a quick review is as follows:

  • We believe the Fed. If the FED says they will fight inflation, then they are committed to conducting policy with that outcome in focus. The Fed market “put” is gone.
  • In order for interest rates to remain as they are i.e. the end of the hiking cycle one of two things needs to occur:
    • Inflation (CPI) falls below 4% on an annualized basis and is sustained for several readings
    • Unemployment will need to go above 5% and be sustained for multiple readings
    • Current CPI is 5% Annualized as of March 23 and the unemployment rate is currently sitting at 3.5%
  • In order for Interest rates to decline:
    • A deep recession needs to occur for the FED to consider inflation a lesser threat to prosperity.
    • Major bank failure: a major bank failure would create a sufficient decline in economic activity as to counteract inflation and would result in a tightening effect.
    • Recent regional bank failures may provide some economic slowing. The overall environment in the markets continues to present a unique landscape. While we continue to see macroeconomic expectations overwhelming the headlines, we continue to focus on diversification, quality and cash flows as we act prudently in this challenging period for our clients. As you enter new periods in your life with new goals and evolving risk tolerances, we encourage to contact your advisor as proactive planning and risk management are key values at Procyon. Thank you for the trust you place in us.


As we reflect on the markets from 2022, we are forced to think back a bit further to the initial onset of zero rates and Fed balance sheet expansion that began more than a decade earlier. Through several cycles both economic and geopolitical, including a period of rapid globalization beginning in 2009, low inflation persisted in the aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis through most of the 2010s. Interest rates were headed higher for a short time to correct the glut of liquidity when the Covid-19 Pandemic led us back down the road to even easier liquidity and lower rates.

2020 and 2021 saw the benefits of these efforts with massive gains across most asset classes as liquidity, in the form of both monetary and fiscal support flooded the economy and markets. Economies around the world closed and reopened as they battled waves of Covid-19; all while seeing demand for countless consumer products increase around the globe.

As the demand pressures mounted during 2021 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made the distinction that the visible price increases were “transient”, and the core measures of inflation were more stable. As we now understand, “transient” is no longer an appropriate term to characterize the current inflationary environment. In 2022, we saw the Federal Reserve increase rates at a pace never seen before as they attempted to stomp out the inflationary pressures becoming embedded in the US economy. We have seen asset prices react negatively across the board as a result of the tightening of monetary policy.

As we review 2022, it’s clear that the implications of investor responses around major events can become complex. On the following page we’ve included an interesting exhibit that summarizes how an investor may have responded to major events from last year, and how the market subsequently reacted as well.

The Fed’s Fight Against Inflation

After a 7.1% YoY CPI reading in November, the Fed slowed down its level of rate hike to 50 basis points (from 75 bps). Beginning in 2023, the Fed also slowed its rate hike to 25 basis points, starting at the first Fed meeting on February 1st. Despite the slowdown in the size of rate hikes, Fed Chair Powell has been firm in his stance of expecting higher rates for longer. While the market expects rate cuts in 2023, the FOMC’s latest quarterly projections highlight the Fed Funds Rate ending 2023 at a level of 5-5.25%.

China’s COVID Policies 

China maintained strict Covid-policies in 2022, resulting in a slowing of the world’s second-largest economy and even civil unrest. Late in Q4 2022, reports surfaced that China was planning to significantly roll back these strict policies in early 2023. Since then, China has scrapped its 8-day inbound quarantine requirement for travelers, facilitated visa applications for foreigners, and stated there would be no limit to gathering in public. These early attempts to reopen have been met with a surge in COVID cases throughout the country, testing the government’s commitment to this shift in policy. 

Russia-Ukraine War

The Russia-Ukraine War continues with no end in sight. Along with geopolitical concerns, the War has destabilized the energy & commodities market, particularly in Europe. Further escalation with nuclear weapons remains the biggest threat. A ceasefire remains unlikely in the short-term. Russia remains adamant that Ukraine recognizes annexed territories such as Donetsk & Luhansk, while Ukraine refuses to cede territory to Russia in any negotiations. Longerterm, the health of the Russian Economy, Army, and Vladmir Putin could be a catalyst for an end to the War. 

A resolution to any of these could be a bullish for the markets in 2023. 

The December CPI report showed inflation decreased to – 0.1% month-over-month, its lowest level of 2022. Inflation is down from a peak level of 9.1% in June 2022, as the Fed has undergone one of the fastest hiking cycles in 40 years (from roughly 0% to 4.50-4.75%). Goods inflation has continued to decelerate (i.e., used autos), but rent prices and wages are proving to be stickier. Wage inflation is of particular focus to the Fed, as it attempts to cool down a tight labor market. Along with raising rates, the Fed is draining liquidity in the system through Quantitative Tightening. As described at the beginning of this commentary, the Fed responded to previous shocks to the financial system (2008 & 2020) with “Quantitative Easing”; and the Fed Balance Sheet ballooned from less than $1 Trillion in 2008 to roughly $9 Trillion. In June 2022, the Fed officially reversed course and turned to Quantitative Tightening by letting Treasuries & Mortgage- Backed Securities mature without reinvestment. Finally, another tool at the Fed’s disposal is the use of forward guidance. At its December 14th meeting, the Fed released projections that showed FOMC participants expected rates to finish 2023 at a range of 5-5.25%. This was higher than anticipated, but perhaps even worse, this forecast implied no rate cuts in 2023 (differing from market expectations). This forecast was a major catalyst for the year-end selloff. 

The Good: Labor Market 

One constant strength in the overall economy in 2022 was the Labor market. Nonfarm Payrolls have been resilient all year despite negative headlines regarding layoffs (specifically in the Tech sector) and job openings still outnumber the unemployed by roughly 4 million. This is illustrated in Chart 1 below. 

The Bad: Equity Market 

Equity markets were quite resilient in the face of geopolitical worries, lockdowns in China, and the fastest tightening cycle in decades. Still, 2023 earnings expectations have been revised downward, and dispersion remains high. Large Value (-7.5%) outperformed Large Growth (-29.1%) in 2022 by the widest margin since 2000, and Energy was the top performing sector (up 65.7%), while Communications was the biggest laggard (-39.9%). 

The Ugly: Bond Market 

Bond markets experienced one of their worst years in history, as treasury yields surged. The 2-year Treasury yield spiked in 2022 from a low of 0.73% to a peak of 4.41%, while the 10-year yield rose from 1.52% to 3.88%. Even more concerning, a large majority of the Treasury curve is inverted. While not every yield curve inversion signals a Recession, the 10 year-3 month yield curve is deeply inverted by 54 basis points – which is its most inverted level since the Financial Crisis and Tech Bubble (see Chart 2). 

Looking Ahead to 2023

In 2023 we expect the US Federal Reserve will face a choice between accepting a higher average level of inflation (3.5- 4%) or drive the US economy towards recession by sticking to their 2% inflation mandate. By contrast, most other major economies have already passed this junction, and have made their choices. In Europe, the choice was a recession, and it was not made by governments or central bankers but imposed by Vladimir Putin. In China, the choice of recession was driven not by economics but by the draconian politics of Covid. Japan’s 30 years of deflation made inflation the obvious choice. Britain, meanwhile, has bounced from Liz Truss’s tolerance of inflation to recessionary austerity under Rishi Sunak. The US is unique in having a central bank, a government, and most major sell-side Economists all arguing a painful choice will not be required between high inflation and severe recession. If this is right, and the US reduces its inflation without experiencing a severe recession—and without even imposing positive real interest rates—it will be an unprecedented achievement. But if the belief in painless disinflation is wrong, the US economy and financial markets will need to adjust when this choice between recession and inflation becomes unavoidable. The biggest challenge for financial markets is that the prospect of 2-3.5% inflation is not in the foreseeable future. Markets keep expecting a dovish Fed, but the Fed has told us they will tighten to a terminal rate of 5-5.25%. Ultimately the big question is whether the Fed will accept a higher plateau of inflation of 4+% vs the original 2% target? The Fed is trying to project an image of hawkishness but also looking to avoid a severe recession at all costs. 

Investment Implications

  • If investors accept that there will now be a higher US inflation plateau, that means higher US 10-year yields. This adds risk to the long maturities of the bond market.

  • U.S equities have seen severe valuation compression – especially in the Tech sector. Given the move in short risk-free rates, it appears that this valuation compression is rational and justified. For 2023, we believe earnings becomes the focus for investors as the ability to manage through a higher rate environment becomes evident.

  • Two widely respected names in the industry, David Tepper and Jeremy Siegel, have vastly different forecasts for 2023. On the bullish side, Jeremy Siegel believes the market deserves a 20x multiple and there will be upside to 2023 Earnings (i.e., $240), which would result in a possible S&P 500 price of 4,800 (20 * 240 = 4,800). David Tepper, on the other hand, is bearish and believes the market deserves a 12x multiple on lower 2023 Earnings. If we use $225 for 2023 EPS, this would result in an S&P 500 price of 2,700 (12 & 225 = 2,700). These two examples show the discrepancy in forecasts for next year.

  • A market multiple of roughly 16-17x next year’s earnings is fair based on interest rate levels (see chart 3), but 2023 Earnings Expectations may continue to be revised downward as higher interest rates take their toll on the economy.

  • Equity rotation from Growth to Value is a continued focus as the US economy stays stronger for longer and China reopens. Major long-term rotation continues from Growth stocks/COVID gainers to Value stocks with growing earnings expectations. We remain cautious on Large Cap Technology. This sector is valuation-challenged at a time when fundamentals, especially around online advertising, and social media, are still deteriorating and competition is increasing. Additionally, we continue to think that globally, greater government regulation of Tech is increasingly on the table at a time when global geopolitical competition is heating up.

  • US Small Caps are getting interesting for long-term investors. The Russell 2000’s forward 12 months P/E ratio has fallen to 10.8x, its lowest level since 1990 and 30% below its long-term average. On a relative basis, the Russell 2000’s forward 12-month P/E is trading at the lowest level versus large-cap stocks since the Tech Bubble.

  • China and commodity producing EM’s should outperform the US and Europe. Cyclical hedges that might work as the dollar weakens, include select EM and Commodities (such as Oil and Copper). Most investors, regardless of region, are overweight dollar-based assets. This decision has been the right one in recent years, but the technical picture is indicative to us that we should add additional exposure in the form of select EM markets.

  • Alternative Assets are seeing continued demand from asset flows as investors look to diversify their return streams. Venture Capital and Private Equity are likely to see underperformance in the short term as multiple compression can have a lagged effect from the public to private markets, and this will likely provide liquidity in the form of supply to the secondary market. Private credit, lending, and non-residential real estate remain stable as this asset class operates parallel to bank and public market lending. We have seen a broad dispersion of hedge fund performance in 2022 with some funds logging their best numbers in many years with leveraged short positions on the bond market, while others, with large investments in Big Tech and Crypto, fell 90%+. For 2023, it is unclear whether we can have a repeat performance of hedge fund managers, or if that dispersion will narrow. 


Major Risks to Expectations for 2023

  1. Growth Collapses – The US GDP growth expectation (JP Morgan) for 2023 is 1%, which is a slowdown from 2022. If the US has a deep recession as a result of overtightening and asset prices collapse the equity markets will have a difficult time. 

  2. Inflation Crashes – In this case the Fed would not be forced to raise rates further and we can return to a <2% inflationary environment. If this were to occur, then Large Cap Growth stocks would be preferred as asset-light companies may reemerge to outperform. 


Please contact your Wealth Advisor at Procyon Partners to discuss how this review may apply to your personal investment objectives. We appreciate your trust through these difficult periods of market stress. As always, we will continue to navigate the sometimes-treacherous waters of the global investment environment on your behalf.

Thank you for your continued support and confidence in the Procyon team.

Best Regards,

Procyon Partners 

There’s increasing interest in employing annuities in retirement plans, but plan sponsors need to review the products carefully.

A 401(k) retirement-savings plan doesn’t guarantee the availability of funding through the entire life of the account owner. Outcomes depend mainly on:

  • The amount of funding available.
  • The longevity of the account owner.
  • Market conditions and investment performance.

There’s another factor in the shape of an annuity designed to provide a fixed stream of income for life. But the strength of the stock market through most of the past 40 years, subdued price inflation until very recently, a general sense that annuities were overpriced and regulatory hesitation have conspired to put that solution on ice. That is, until recently — and we’ll get to that vital point in a moment.


Savers understand that the value of assets can drop, and stay down for decades. It took the S&P
500 about 25 years to recover from the Crash of 1929. Another trough marred absolute performance from the early 1970s through the mid-1990s, despite a surge in relative performance that began in 1982. Indeed, the setbacks the stock market has encountered since then — the crash of ‘87, the dot-com downturn, and the Great Recession of ‘08 — now look less like hard stops than temporary setbacks. But uncertainty always hurts, especially when, as now, stocks are down, and bond yields flirt with historic lows despite the recent (and unsettling) emergence of general price inflation.

Between feeling one’s finances aren’t ready for retirement and taking remedial action before it’s too late stand a clutch of unanswerable queries:

  • When will the stock market bounce back?
  • When will inflation stop eroding value?
  • Are we heading into a global recession?
  • Even if we bounce off a downturn once again, will we have to endure slow growth for years to come?

The pain these questions conjure for retirement savers comes less from each in isolation than from their aggregate impact on savers’ ability to make plans. Plainly, it’s hard to set personal finance goals when the value of money is softening, bond yields are in question and stocks look tired. And there are no easy answers, no quick fixes. Modern portfolio theory suggests ditching stocks for cash can do more harm than good. By the same token, eliminating bonds altogether could deprive savers of a cushion with a low historic correlation to stocks.


No wonder 81% of retirement plan participants surveyed by the Retirement Income Institute late in 2021 were interested in a guaranteed income option for their retirement plans. Boiled down, they want a portion of their income savings to behave like their grandparents’ defined-benefit plans by providing a fixed monthly stipend as a basis for budgeting, longer-term retirement needs and legacy planning.

“Workers value knowing how much they can safely spend more than any other characteristic of a retirement savings plan,” according to the report. At the same time, retirement savers aren’t keen to go all-in on annuities. In aggregate, the Retirement Income Institute says plan members given a choice to allocate savings among stocks, bonds, and an income annuity would place 33.5% of their total savings in an income annuity — a proportion that skews a bit higher for older and lower-income plan participants. In plain terms, most retirement plan owners want growth from stocks that’s balanced by bonds and augmented by an income stream they can count on.

Fortunately, the SECURE Act of 2019 makes it easier to add annuity options to tax-deferred retirement plans. Pre-SECURE Act products that facilitate sustainable withdrawals have been around for ages, but it takes an insurance-linked annuity to guarantee such an outcome — and new provisions in the legislation have afforded safe harbor protections for plan sponsors that want to incorporate annuity options into their tax-deferred retirement plans.


While the product pipeline for SECURE Act-friendly annuities is a work in progress, insurers and asset managers are competing to get their wares to market. As always, the results are and will continue to be mixed. Maybe more to the point, no one product is ever suited to every circumstance.

As a firm that specializes in advising employers that sponsor qualified and nonqualified retirement plans, we recommend carefully reviewing retirement products. For annuities in particular, one should seek to:

  • Align your risk tolerance with that of the investment product.
  • Determine what kind of annuity — immediate or deferred — is called for.
  • Ascertain expected returns and compare them to annual fees.
  • Check and communicate the underlying insurance policy details.

Finally, seek a firm that has a role as a fiduciary since that means their conclusions are unbiased as they search for retirement plan products and configurations best suited to the needs of individual investors. In this way, employees feel more secure about their post-career lives, and plan sponsors have new incentives for attracting and retaining employees.

Amber Kendrick is vice president and retirement plan consultant with Shelton, Connecticutbased Procyon Partners, which specializes in advising employers that sponsor qualified and nonqualified retirement plans.
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With Addition of Team, $5.5 Billion Procyon Partners Expands Footprint with New Office in Maryland

St. Petersburg, Florida – November 7, 2022 – Procyon Partners announced today that Brian Turner will be joining the firm as a Private Wealth Advisor. He is accompanied by Selena Kemp, Senior Client Service Associate, and Zamena Bridglal, Client Service Associate. They will operate from the new office location in Fulton, Maryland.

Previously, Mr. Turner was a Senior Financial Advisor, Managing Director at Wells Fargo managing $247MM in client assets.

“I knew from the first call I had with Phil that Procyon was a firm that could provide our team and our clients with an extraordinary cultural fit,” said Brian Turner. “Our clients’ needs were leading our search for a better home. With Procyon, and the synthetic scale of Dynasty Financial Partners, we are better equipped to serve our clients.”

Procyon Partners’ new office in Fulton, Maryland will have the same open-concept and design as Procyon’s other offices and will include newly-minted ‘Zoom Rooms’ to provide an option for advisors and staff to hold private conversations or virtual calls in a well-appointed and functional private space.

“This office will allow us to expand the Procyon brand into Maryland in a very coveted location. We look forward to growing our business locally around Brian Turner and his team by attracting clients and other advisors looking to find a better way to serve their clients and build their careers,” commented Phil Fiore, CEO and Co-Founder of Procyon Partners.

Procyon Partners has been growing rapidly in 2022. As recently as October 6th, Procyon announced financial advisor Bob Alimena joined their firm in its Long Island office.

Procyon Partners is a member of the Dynasty Financial Partners’ Network of independent financial advisory firms.


Brian Turner
Private Wealth Advisor

Brian works with high-net-worth families, business owners, and tax-exempt organizations, helping them identify and honor the purpose of their finances. Brian develops comprehensive wealth management solutions specifically tailored to focus on the goals most important to each client.

With a finely tuned discovery process, Brian guides clients to make timely, educated decisions based on independent analysis and objective advice. He communicates with clarity and continuously monitors and evaluates his clients’ progress.

Brian began his career over fifteen years ago as a financial advisor at UBS Financial Services and later at Wells Fargo Advisors before joining Procyon Partners. Brian was also a founding partner of Gayda Vineyards in southern France. He is a graduate of the American University of Paris and a dual citizen of the US and the UK. He resides in Baltimore, Maryland, with his family. Brian teaches “Yoga for a Cause,” a weekly yoga class that donates all proceeds to charity. He encourages you to consider what your wealth truly is and to experience the joy of giving.

About Procyon Partners

Procyon Partners is an independent registered investment advisor with a dual focus on retirement plan/participants and private clients. With offices in Connecticut, NYC, Long Island, West Palm Beach, and Virginia Beach, the firm manages approximately $5.5B in client assets. On the institutional side, the firm helps companies and organizations design, manage, and enhance their retirement plan offerings while also educating plan participants on how to effectively prepare for their retirement. As a private wealth advisor, Procyon helps high-net-worth individuals, families and business owners identify and implement effective financial strategies for managing their investments and achieving their financial goals.

For more information visit.

Also visit Procyon Partners on social media:
LinkedIn –
Twitter: @ProcyonPartners

About Dynasty Financial Partners

Dynasty is a provider of technology-enabled wealth management solutions and business services for financial advisory firms primarily focused on serving high net worth and ultra-high net worth clients. Dynasty provides access to a comprehensive platform of software and technology tools, business services and holistic investment management capabilities through an open-architecture platform delivered via a suite of proprietary and third-party technologies. Dynasty’s technology, tools and services provide advisory firms the supported independence to launch their business, scale their operations and grow their firms — both organically and inorganically — while also allowing them to be more focused on and better equipped to serve their clients. Dynasty’s platform and offering have won multiple awards in recent years.

For more than a decade, Dynasty has championed the benefits of independent wealth management for high net worth and ultra-high net worth clients and has contributed to the movement of assets from traditional brokerage channels to the independent channels of wealth management. As Dynasty is becoming a recognized industry leader, Dynasty has differentiated itself by developing competitive strengths, including a deep understanding of and strong relationship with its clients, a comprehensive offering of services and technology-enabled solutions, the ability to leverage its size and breadth to invest, the flexibility and seamlessness enabled by a modular technology solution, the entrepreneurial culture and experienced and committed management team. Dynasty is committed to continually growing its business by facilitating existing advisory firm clients’ growth, onboarding new clients, increasing the clients’ use of its broader capabilities, launching additional solutions and carrying out complementary acquisitions.

For more information, please visit

Also visit Dynasty on social media:
Twitter: @DynastyFP

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Disclosure: This e-mail message, including any attachments, from Dynasty Financial Partners LLC (d/b/a Dynasty) or Dynasty Wealth Management LLC, a subsidiary of Dynasty, and registered investment advisor, or one of Dynasty’s affiliated subsidiaries, as indicated herein, is intended only for the individual to whom it is addressed. This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient (or the agent or employee responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient), you are hereby notified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail along with any attachments from your system. Thank you. *Dynasty Securities LLC is a limited purpose broker-dealer and functions as a paymaster in order to receive and pay commissions or transaction based revenues to and from third-parties in the following product lines: (a) Broker retailing corporate equity securities; (b) Broker retailing corporate debt securities; (c) Mutual fund retailer; (d) Private placement of securities; (e) Broker selling variable life insurance and annuities; (f) Broker selling interests in unregistered private investments.

The latest senior moves in the North American wealth management sector.

Procyon Partners
Procyon Partners, the US wealth firm with about $5.5 billion of client assets, has appointed former Wells Fargo advisor Brian Turner as a private wealth advisor.

Turner is joined by Selena Kemp, senior client service associate, and Zamena Bridglal, client service associate. They will operate from the new office in Fulton, Maryland.

At Wells Fargo, Turner was a senior financial advisor, overseeing $247 million in client assets. He began his career more than 15 years ago as a financial advisor at UBS Financial Services and later at Wells Fargo Advisors. Turner is also a founding partner of Gayda Vineyards in southern France. He is a graduate of the American University of Paris and a dual citizen of the US and the UK.

Procyon Partners’ new office in Fulton, Maryland will have the same open-concept and design as Procyon’s other offices and will include newly-minted “Zoom Rooms” to provide an option for advisors and staff to hold private conversations or virtual calls in a well-appointed and functional private space.

The firm also has offices in Connecticut, New York City, Long Island, West Palm Beach, and Virginia Beach.

In early October, Procyon said that financial advisor Bob Alimena had joined, based in its Long Island office.

The business is a member of the Dynasty Financial Partners’ Network of independent financial advisory firms.

As we witnessed the most significant drawdown in wealth since the 2008 financial crisis, the first three quarters of 2022 have collectively cost investors more than $9.5 trillion from the market’s high-water mark at the end of 2021. This includes the market value declines in both the public equity and fixed income markets.

The drawdown has been felt for both aggressive and conservative investors alike, as nominal and real rates of return are negative across almost all major public markets.
In times of stress our behaviors can dictate our outcomes and remaining patient through turbulent times has been a fundamental tenant throughout our investing careers. As difficult as it may sometimes be, we find that through active management and avoiding large behavioral mistakes we can navigate through market stress quite effectively. This is predicated on the ability of investors to be patient and allow time for asset prices to recover.

What do we think about stock prices today?

Fundamentally, current valuations can help derive future expectations for market returns. For several years, valuations in equity markets appeared stretched and a protracted Fed policy of zero-interest rates helped facilitate those valuations. That was true for a very long period. If we can remember, those policies began 14 years ago with the Great Financial Crisis. Ushered in by then Fed Chair Ben Bernanke, who just recently received the Nobel Prize in Economics for that very work.

That regime appears to have ended as we enter a new, more normal, period of higher rates. As this occurs asset prices recalibrate, and stock market valuations appear to be the first casualty as the market price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio has come down along with the Cyclically Adjusted P/E (CAPE) ratio and several other key valuations measures. Now that we’re experiencing this regime change and a fundamental reset of asset prices, we can gather and interpret some data to help us discern what current levels may indicate about future returns.

As shown on the following page, the two charts are rolling 1 and 5 year returns from August of 1997 through September of 2022. On the left axis are the returns and the bottom axis are valuations.

On the following chart, you can see the current forward P/E ratio for the S&P 500 is ~15.1x , and indicates positive future returns for both the 1 and 5 year time periods. This means that we are seeing a readjustment of the number of years in advance an investor is willing to pay for today’s earnings. Even the highest valuation stocks have seen a recent contraction as illustrated in the valuation dispersion chart here.

Corporate Earnings:

Our team expects a mixed bag for earnings this quarter as we see the effects of inventory buildups in reaction to supply chain lags filter through the largest firms. Input costs have come down in recent months helping to dampen some of the expense pressures in critical markets, however wage growth will continue to weigh on earnings.

While the expectations for 3Q earnings have come down this year, the reported data and forward guidance will have a big influence on returns over the course of this earnings season. Price volatility is expected to continue. We do expect that earnings in cyclical sectors will tell us a bit more about where the economy stands and how consumers are making spending decisions.

Spending decisions are of course the US Central Bank’s end target. With rapidly rising prices stressing the budgets of the general population, the central bank is focused on increasing the cost of borrowing to dampen demand, and therefore the prices of goods and services. The current rate of price increases, 8.2% from the previous year as of September, is increasingly harmful if sustained over long periods.

To combat this dynamic the US central bank is making money more difficult to obtain. The potential for continued inflationary pressures signals that this interest rate cycle could last longer than some of the rising rate cycles in recent memory. There have been six “Fed Pivots” since interest rates peaked in 1984, and while there may be some starts and stops to the recent upward trend, the trend is clearly upward. While most asset allocators have had this expectation for some time it has come to fruition very quickly in 2022.

Recession & Jobs:

The topic of a recession in the US has been debated exhaustively by economists and commentators on business news. The fundamental definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of GDP contraction, and as currently reported that is what we experienced in the first half of this year. The debate around whether we are experiencing a recession consistent with that definition really hinges on the prevailing low unemployment numbers across the country. Be that as it may, the job market is still quite robust by all measures. For example, there are currently 1.87 job openings per job seeker (USDL, JPM) which has been a key driver of wage growth. By way of comparison, the previous peak was just before the pandemic at ~1.25 jobs available per seeker. These numbers are likely to come down as the post pandemic economy normalizes further.

Our expectation is that the unemployment rate in the US will tick higher, job openings will contract, and wage growth will moderate in the coming quarters. While this may be truer for some industries versus others, we do expect a broad moderation in the job market across the US over the next year.

Base Case:

The Procyon Investment Committee has established a base case scenario for our economic expectations over both the short and long term. Over the short-term we believe the Fed will likely continue to increase rates until one of two scenarios come about:

  1. CPI data trends below 6% for multiple months
  2. Unemployment rises above 5%


There continues to be some potential for a “soft landing” if inflation slowly reverts to it’s mean at closer to 3.5% over a 1- 3 year period, but recent data suggests that is becoming harder and harder to achieve.

Higher rates are likely to place continued pressure on equity valuations and earnings in the coming quarters and as we enter the holiday spending season. As a result, our short-term tactical allocations reflect more conservative equity and fixed income positioning.

Over the long-term, we look to relative valuations for our expected returns, and continue to believe that broad asset allocation across small, mid and large cap equities will provide higher returns in the future. Accordingly, we have increased our exposure to areas where valuations are at historical lows relative to their long-term average, as well as the quality of core portfolio investments in recognition that more effective firm management teams should fare better in an environment defined by increasing costs to do business.

We also acknowledge that markets are a forecasting mechanism and that the rally in equities will likely begin before jobs losses reach their peak. We will of course continue to monitor the changes in the economy closely as we look for compelling opportunistic investments.

In addition, we remain positioned more heavily on the shorter end of the fixed income maturity ladder with rates expected to continue moving higher. High credit quality and active management provide long-term benefits in the bond market, and we are committed to making changes where necessary. We also see the potential for credit deterioration and have reduced our investments in high-yield securities in recent quarters as a result.

In summary for 3Q22:

  • We saw a continued reduction in public asset prices,
  • Valuations have come back down to their historical averages after being elevated throughout the “zero interest rate environment”,
  • 3Q earnings and 4Q shopping season are in focus,
  • The Fed is committed to rate increases until data suggests they stop, and
  • Portfolio positioning is conservative with a focus on higher


The Procyon Investment Committee is committed to providing insightful market analysis as we assess the evolving investment landscape. As fiduciaries, we are dedicated to our clients’ best interests and our principal goal is to make sure that we deliver exceptional advice to every client. We thank you for the continued trust you place in us as we help you navigate this challenging environment. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your financial goals or investment portfolio, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Best Regards,

Procyon Partners

“Built by FAs for FAs,” Procyon Partners can “fully understand the issues and stresses” that advisors experience, according to chief executive officer Phil Fiore.

FA-IQ reached out to advisors to ask: Has the feverish pace of RIA M&A activity made you consider either acquiring another firm or selling your own?

Phil Fiore, chief executive officer of Procyon Partners. Shelton, Connecticut-based Fiore has been in the industry for 27 years and has $5.5 billion in client assets.

“Since the inception of Procyon Partners, we have been very active in the M&A marketplace. Since launching our firm in 2017, we have successfully transacted on seven deals that are all currently part of the Procyon brand.

Although we are not looking to sell our firm, we are very active in the M&A space. It is our contention that scale truly matters as a firm looks to deliver differentiated services and resources to its clients, and the quickest way to gain that scale is through acquisition or merger.

Phil Fiore

We also believe that there is incredible FA and customer service talent out there in the wirehouses, regional firms or running their own firm for that matter, that for one reason or another feel unfulfilled and unable to reach their true potential.

At the larger firms it may be that these FAs or support team members are being managed to the least common denominator, which doesn’t allow them to truly build a customized service/investment model for their clients. While, on the other hand, those that run their own RIAs are forced to take valuable client-focused time and divert that time to working ‘in’ the business so the lights stay on, so to speak.

It is Procyon’s contention and belief that we can unleash our FAs from those impediments and allow them to truly spread their wings and chase their destiny the way they believe they can and should.

We believe we are uniquely qualified to do this for our FAs as we are a firm ‘built by FAs for FAs.’ We fully understand the issues and stresses that FAs deal with on a day-to-day basis and our job as leaders of Procyon is to allow our FAs to focus on the things that make them truly unique and fulfilled, which in turn results in a more successful Procyon. A win-win for everyone, as it should be.”