M&A Tag

Having more than 25 years of experience, Procyon Partners’ Co-Founder, Phil Fiore, has extensive experience and expertise in the investment advisory space. In addition to being a co-founder of Procyon in 2017, Phil formerly held the positions of Senior Vice President of Wealth Management at UBS, Senior Institutional Consultant, Senior Retirement Plan Consultant, and member of the Institutional Consulting Group and its Advisory Council. 401KWire twice named Phil one of the Nation’s 300 Most Influential Advisors in the Defined Contributions Arena, The Financial Times recognized him as one of their Top 400 Advisors in 2014, and Barron’s named him one of their Top 1,200 Financial Advisors in 2015.

Given all these accomplishments and experiences, Phil is equipped to speak with authority in the wealth management space, but, when Phil was younger,  the term “wealth management” wasn’t even in his lexicon. Coming from a first generation immigrant Italian family, Phil spent most of his early life believing that soccer would be what his future held. His father, a traditional Italian man, created the PAL Soccer League in his hometown in Connecticut. While his father instilled within him a go-and-get-it-yourself attitude as opposed to handing him money (a rudimentary business skill), soccer was indeed what his heart was set on.

Nevertheless, professional soccer only existed in Europe at the time Phil graduated college, so he had to figure out a new path. At first, his intended path was law school, but sometimes life chooses for you what you’re meant to do. In his late 20s, he was presented with an opportunity to join a business he couldn’t refuse which led to him became the highly regarded leader and dealmaker he is today.

“Built by FAs for FAs,” Procyon Partners can “fully understand the issues and stresses” that advisors experience, according to chief executive officer Phil Fiore.

FA-IQ reached out to advisors to ask: Has the feverish pace of RIA M&A activity made you consider either acquiring another firm or selling your own?

Phil Fiore, chief executive officer of Procyon Partners. Shelton, Connecticut-based Fiore has been in the industry for 27 years and has $5.5 billion in client assets.

“Since the inception of Procyon Partners, we have been very active in the M&A marketplace. Since launching our firm in 2017, we have successfully transacted on seven deals that are all currently part of the Procyon brand.

Although we are not looking to sell our firm, we are very active in the M&A space. It is our contention that scale truly matters as a firm looks to deliver differentiated services and resources to its clients, and the quickest way to gain that scale is through acquisition or merger.

Phil Fiore

We also believe that there is incredible FA and customer service talent out there in the wirehouses, regional firms or running their own firm for that matter, that for one reason or another feel unfulfilled and unable to reach their true potential.

At the larger firms it may be that these FAs or support team members are being managed to the least common denominator, which doesn’t allow them to truly build a customized service/investment model for their clients. While, on the other hand, those that run their own RIAs are forced to take valuable client-focused time and divert that time to working ‘in’ the business so the lights stay on, so to speak.

It is Procyon’s contention and belief that we can unleash our FAs from those impediments and allow them to truly spread their wings and chase their destiny the way they believe they can and should.

We believe we are uniquely qualified to do this for our FAs as we are a firm ‘built by FAs for FAs.’ We fully understand the issues and stresses that FAs deal with on a day-to-day basis and our job as leaders of Procyon is to allow our FAs to focus on the things that make them truly unique and fulfilled, which in turn results in a more successful Procyon. A win-win for everyone, as it should be.”